Documents for formation of an entity such as Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Partnership Deed, LLP Agreement etc.
Business Agreements such as Franchise Agreement, Indemnity Agreement etc.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Agreement such as Agreement of Reference to Sole Arbitrator, Agreement of Reference to Common Arbitrator,
Model Arbitration Clauses in an Agreement etc.
Property related documents such as Gift Deed, Lease Deed, Purchase of Land, Development / Construction Agreement etc.
Intellectual property agreements such as License of Use of Copy Right, Agreement for use of Trade Mark, Patent and High Technology Agreements etc.
Cyber law such as Privacy Policy and User Agreement, Website Development Agreement, etc.
Cyber law such as Privacy Policy and User Agreement, Website Development Agreement, etc.
To attain expert knowledge of all kinds of drafting, pleadings and advocacy
To develop extensive legal writing skills with respective citations, legal terminologies
and precedents.
To equip students in expressing important legal amendments, updation and issues in
own words, to increase the general understanding of complex legal documents.
To empower students to think in different ways and to express different
interpretations of legal text, so as to increase the understanding of
legal topics from different perspectives.
To make implications of complex legal laws and documents clearer.
To create and maintain in-depth knowledge and interest in current legal issues,
amendment in laws, judicial reviews, court judgements, various national international laws and cases.
2. Legal Terms & Terminologies
Fluency in Subject Specific Essential Legal Terms and Terminologies in Detail with Reference
Loan words and phrases from other languages i.e. Foreign Legal Terms.
Use of Pronominal Adverbs.
Doublets/Triplets in English Legal Language.
Legal Doctrines and Principles.
Famous Legal Maxims.
Words often confused and misused.
Quotidian English Legal Terms.
Quotidian words having different/ special meanings in law.
Legal Idiomatic Expressions and Legal Phrases.
Words often confused and misused.
Prepositional Phrases.
Words with Silent letters and complex spellings.
Homophones and heteronyms.
Prefixes and suffixes.
To gain expert level proficiency in comprehending, reading, writing and making
accurate usage of legal terms and terminologies.
To make original legal text more comprehensible, lucid and logical.
To develop expertise in comprehending and analysing various legal texts in different
formats, efficiently and accurately.
3. Online filing: Portals, Process Procedures:
On-line filing procedures and their respective websites in Corporate Law, Intellectual Property
Rights, Cyber law, Civil law, Criminal Law,
Property search, registration,stamp duties and various other services.
To gain expert level proficiency in comprehending, reading, writing and making
accurate usage of legal terms and terminologies.
To make original legal text more comprehensible, lucid and logical.
To develop expertise in comprehending and analysing various legal texts in different
formats, efficiently and accurately.
4. Regulatory Framework & Leading Cases
Understanding laws and relevant sections step by step.
Study of national and international landmark cases that changed the legal landscape
and played a decisive role in development of various laws.
Understanding and making comparison of cases / judgements and preparing case
summaries step by step.
To empower students to understand the language of the law clearly and appropriately.
To enable the students to understand, interpret and analyse various important sections and the letter of law in its true spirit, step by step and
word by word, without any error, doubt and mistake.
To understand the practical application of various laws and their important sections in drafting, pleading and conveyancing.
To increase the legal aptitude of the students via study of various national and international landmark judgements, decisions and cases.
To make implications of complex legal laws and documents clearer.
5. Essential Technical Skills
Use of the internet and various legal portals.
Email skills i.e. composing email, Checking email, Forwarding email, Attaching files, Downloading and Saving Attachments, Blind Copy,
Carbon Copy, Forward,Labelling, Filtering functions, using Address book etc.
Microsoft Office skills i.e. Word documents, Excel sheets, PowerPoint presentations etc.
Search Engines: Understanding the basics of using internet search or by using key board functions to find things in a document.
Error free typing on keyboard with full words arranged properly, spelling and grammar checks.
File sharing i.e. uploading documents to an email or storing files in a cloud server, using Google drive, Google classroom, Google docs,
Google Meet, Google Calendar etc for sharing/storing files and various other functions.
Keyboard short cuts
Operating system and file management: Converting Files (such as Word to Pdf, or Excel to CSV), Zip or Extract File, Looking up file sizes,
renaming or saving files & folders, etc.
Social media etiquettes i.e. how & where to use the privacy settings, Blogging and content writing skills.
To develop proficiency, knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology, internet and various legal portals fluently and